The path to freedom leads through repair
We’re building a youth-led movement to repair past harms, remove ongoing barriers to equality, and realize a future where freedom is for all.

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Our Moment
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Our Generation
We are the most diverse generation in US history and we believe that freedom should be for all.
The Problem
But a supremacist faction of the rich and powerful is trying to keep us from our power, control us, and rule for a wealthy, white few.
Their Origin
Since the origins of our country, this faction has manufactured lies and laws to justify enslavement, genocide, and exploitation for their own benefit.
They Fear our Power
Now, they see our generation uniting to get free and they are terrified – so they’re trying to lock in inequality and keep us from reshaping our nation for the better.
We're On To Them
We see what they are up to and we aren’t gonna let them steal our future. Just like our ancestors, we’re going to defeat this supremacist faction.
Time to Get Free
We’re coming together to flex our power, repair their damage, rewrite the rules, and realize the future of freedom we deserve.
How We Win How We Win How We Win How We Win How We Win How We Win How We Win How We Win
We’re Gonna Win, We Have Our Ancestors at Our Backs
Our plan to win applies the same core strategies of the Abolition Movement, Civil Rights Movement and other vital movements that transformed our country for the better.
We’ve built a five year, four phase, three election strategy to mobilize our generation and flex our political power to take back our future.
Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years Five Years
Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases Four Phases
Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections Three Elections
Our Trainings and Pods
Our future is at stake
From the fall of 2023 through the spring of 2024, we conducted a national training tour across six states and D.C. to launch new Get Free pods – local chapters of our movement that lead grassroots campaigns to win reparations.

The movement to abolish enslavement had pamphlets, we've got The Grapevine
The Grapevine is where we meet online to create, seed, and spread our calls to action, and creative content across social media at a scale larger than any of us can do on our own.
Our Core Beliefs