First 100 Days Campaign: freedom beacons

During the first 100 days of this administration, we have a choice: do we let the MAGA regime entrench white supremacy in our country or do we fight for our freedoms?

Across races, backgrounds, and genders, most of us want a future of freedom for all. Today we must fight to keep this dream alive and make it real. 

In our past, a handful of wealthy, white men dehumanized African and Native people to justify enslavement and genocide. Today, this same faction is pointing the finger at trans people and Black and brown immigrants for the problems the 1% created so MAGA billionaires can more easily control our lives, exploit our communities, and enforce the largest rollback of civil rights in a century.

This is a dark moment in our country’s history, but it isn’t the first. Enslavement and Jim Crow were dark eras as well. And during those times, abolitionists and freedom fighters showed that when Black people get free, we all get free, that when we join together, we are a force more powerful, that when we reckon with the harms of white supremacy and repair the damage from its foundation, we create a better future.

That’s why we’re bringing GenZ and Millennials together to turn the places we call home into freedom beacons. During the first 100 days of this new administration, we will demand that our campus, city, and state leaders refuse to comply with the MAGA regime’s white supremacy agenda and commit to defend and expand our freedom to learn, to speak truth to power, and to pursue our dreams, no exceptions.

Our ancestors overcame great odds time and again. Now it’s on us to fight for real freedom and equality. Let’s get free together. Join the campaign today